Our Teachers

Mat Pilates Antonia Chiang Mat Pilates Antonia Chiang

Kelly Leeb

Mat Pilates

Originally from Toronto, Kelly made the move out west six years ago in pursuit of possibility and search for enlightenment in mind, body, and soul...

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Yoga, Mat Pilates Antonia Chiang Yoga, Mat Pilates Antonia Chiang

Lydia Willig

Yoga + Mat Pilates

Lydia is a 500-hour trained yoga teacher, Pilates instructor, and Ayurvedic yoga specialist. Her creative and adaptable approach invites you...

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Yoga, Mat Pilates Antonia Chiang Yoga, Mat Pilates Antonia Chiang

Marla Waal

Yoga + Mat Pilates

Movement has always been an integral part of Marla’s life. After studying ballet at the school of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens...

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