Antonia Chiang

Yoga + Pilates Apparatus + Gyrotonic


Antonia, is the visionary founder and creator behind b | creative space.

A sanctuary that nurtures the synergy between body and mind, in a world where the pace is relentless and screens dominate our attention. She recognizes the need for a haven where people could slow down, explore the intricacies of their bodies, and relish the simple pleasures of life within a healthy, harmonious framework.

At b | creative space, we've thoughtfully crafted an array of practices, including Yoga, Breathing, Meditation, Pilates, and Gyrotonic, all led by renowned teachers. Our picturesque boutique yoga studio opens up to a tranquil garden, inviting you to enjoy tea with friends or find peaceful solitude as we forge a fresh sense of community in Vancouver.

Antonia's dedication to her craft shines through her teaching style, shaped by years of experience as a Yoga Teacher. Her expertise is underscored by a remarkable list of certifications, which includes E-RYT® 500, Yin Yoga, Mindfulness, Prenatal Yoga, Polestar Pilates, and The Gyrotonic Method.


Angie Lamb


Emilia Henriques