Marla Waal

Yoga + Mat Pilates


Movement has always been an integral part of Marla’s life. After studying ballet at the school of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, she joined Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal and later danced with Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. In 1998 Marla discovered Yoga, and while studying and teaching she completed over 12 yoga certifications in various styles from restorative practices to more vigorous Ashtanga. After recognizing her passion for helping people destress and feel free in their bodies, Marla continued to study so that she could empower her clients with more effective tools to stay healthy. She went on to study the Franklin Method, Pilates, ELDOA™ and most recently became a Buteyko Breath Educator. With over 25 years of experience, and a passion for helping her clients move better, Marla is a lifelong learner and continues to evolve and grow as a teacher. She teaches in a way that lays out an education, thus empowering her clients and students to achieve a level of self care that approaches mastery. 


Maggie Anderson


Marlis Vos