Jolene Bayda



Jolene is also the inspiring co-creator and Yoga director of b | creative space.

A student of life at a young age, I began my journey into Yoga: Dancing taught me the freedom of movement without thought. Playing music allowed me to listen, deeper. Synchronized swimming prepared me for retention of breath and the preciousness of air. Singing showed me how to find my own voice, Thai massage offered body awareness and touch, hatha helped create stillness, and vinyasa allotted life to each movement. Yoga found me.

I teach a 55 hour Yin Yoga certification and an immersive 200 hour self inquiry and teacher training program with partner Troy Turi. I offer retreats internationally and locally. My approach is ever-evolving: allow yoga to unlock the repetitive patterns of discord that cause restriction and instead empower through one’s own breath.

Familiarize yourself with how yoga poses can show you more than how to “strike a pose.” Utilizing a creative flow of Yang and Yin shapes, I will take you on a journey through the physical and subtle bodies, while embodying breath as a tool for release. Breathe to free your mind, and the rest will follow.


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